美的MD-86L108玲珑系列超低温冰箱 美的MD-86L108玲珑系列超低温冰箱,可用于病毒、细菌、红细胞、白细胞……...
Advanced Polymeric SPE for Acidic, Basic and Neutral Analytes
EVOLUTE EXPRESS ABN is a modified PS-DVB polymeric SPE phase for extraction of acidic, basic and neutral analytes. It's unique modified surface structure is water-wettable to promote robust, reliable sample preparation. A balanced combination of polar (hydrophilic) and non-polar (hydrophobic) interactions allows efficient extraction of analytes of wide ranging polarity. Available in a variety of formats, 96-well plates and SPE columns, EVOLUTE EXPRESS ABN is versatile and easy to use for applications ranging from drugs in biological fluids to pharmaceuticals in water.
High, reproducible recoveries for acidic, basic and neutral analytes
Eliminate proteins from biofluid extracts, and minimise ion suppression
Fast simple generic methodology
Available in EVOLUTE EXPRESS SPE columns and plates for fast Load-Wash-Elute procedures
Part No. | Description | Pack Size |
600-0010-PX01 | EVOLUTE® EXPRESS ABN 10 mg Fixed Well Plate | 1 |
600-0001-AXG | EVOLUTE® EXPRESS ABN 10 mg/1 mL (Tabless) | 100 |
610-0010-HX | EVOLUTE® EXPRESS ABN 100 mg/10 mL (3 mL XL) | 50 |
610-0010-BXG | EVOLUTE® EXPRESS ABN 150 mg/6 mL (Tabless) | 30 |
600-0030-PX01 | EVOLUTE® EXPRESS ABN 30 mg Fixed Well Plate | 1 |
600-0003-AX | EVOLUTE® EXPRESS ABN 30 mg/1 mL | 1 |
600-0003-AXG | EVOLUTE® EXPRESS ABN 30 mg/1 mL (Tabless) | 100 |
600-0003-AXG-1000 | EVOLUTE® EXPRESS ABN 30 mg/1 mL (Tabless) | 100 |
610-0050-CXG | EVOLUTE® EXPRESS ABN 500 mg/6 mL (Tabless) | 30 |
610-0006-BX | EVOLUTE® EXPRESS ABN 60 mg/3 mL | 50 |
610-0006-BXG | EVOLUTE® EXPRESS ABN 60 mg/3 mL (Tabless) | 50 |
美的MD-86L108玲珑系列超低温冰箱 美的MD-86L108玲珑系列超低温冰箱,可用于病毒、细菌、红细胞、白细胞……...
OHAUS MB32水分测定仪 MB32应用全新设计外型,采用了更坚固的材料、创新的碳纤维加热技术和升级的称重传……...
OHAUS ST 300 便携式pH计 ST 300是一款0.01pH精度的便携式pH计。其设计布局合理,简洁易用,集成了多种……...
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AQUASEARCHER AB33EC Bench Meter 为标准实验室应用提供可靠的电导率/ TDS /盐度/电阻率测定 全新AQUASEARCHER是奥豪斯STARTER系列新一代系列产品,AB33EC台式仪表在设计时,不仅考虑可靠测量性能,还有良……
Biotage Rening Flash 中压制备色谱柱 使用简单、性价比高 Biotage全新一代国产Flash色谱柱现已上市,欢迎垂询! Biotage Rening 快速制备色谱柱优于现有国内的工业标准,它将原汁原味的瑞典制造带入国内,质量优秀……